About Us

As a result of our great salvation, we want to live with God as Father, Jesus as Lord, and the Holy Spirit as Guide. This will all result in a life that is characterised by:

Loving God

A Christian seeks to love God by knowing God through His Word and obeying Him.

The Bible teaches that ‘No-one has ever seen God but God, the One and Only, who is at the Father’s side has made Him known’. We remain completely ignorant of God unless God takes the initiative and reveals Himself to us. God has done that in the Bible. The Bible is His Word to us about Himself. Jesus is the Word who became a man. The Bible is therefore a book all about Jesus. As we study the Bible we learn more about Jesus and so we learn more about God. As we know God more so we love Him more.

We place the utmost importance on the preaching and teaching of that Word. We believe that when God’s Word is explained correctly, God’s voice is heard. Everything in our Sunday meetings is designed to facilitate the hearing of God’s Word. Our meetings are purposefully not over-emotional, nor bound by tradition. We try and avoid religious jargon. This means that anyone (whether Christian or not) who is invited to our meetings will be able to clearly understand the message of the Bible.

We encourage all ages to hear the Bible being explained, so we will have a Children’s Church catering for under 10’s and we encourage all over that age to hear the Bible taught as part of our congregational family.

On a smaller more intimate scale – our Grace growth groups meet weekly in order to search and study the Scriptures and hear God speak. These are interactive studies, enabling us to participate and encourage each other to grow.

We love God by responding to His Word in prayer and obedient living. In regard to prayer, we pray in all our meetings and specifically set aside the last Sunday in the month from 5-6pm to pray.

We love God by listening to his word and respond by obedient living. We daily seek to apply God’s word to our lives, as He changes us in response to serious contextual and relevant application of His Word to our lives.

Loving Each Other

A Christian seeks to love the family of God by :

Coming together on Sundays. The Bible teaches us not to ‘stop meeting together as some are in the habit of doing but let us encourage each other’. We meet on Sundays to encourage each other to keep going as Christians.

We meet in the ‘Bible Talks’ groups to get to know each other and care for each other. These groups are the primary means by which we care for each other.

It’s important that we practise hospitality showing practical love for each other, by inviting each other to fellowship meals. This enables us to get to know each other intimately and to pray for one another.

We also love each other through many other practical ways such as prayer chains, financial support, visiting each other and providing meals for others in times of distress etc.

We also seek to encourage relationships with other Christians outside our immediate community and in particular with those who share the same commitment to the Word of God. We value our partnerships with other churches in our particular denomination.

Love God’s World

A Christian seeks to love those who are still under God’s wrath, who have not been forgiven their sins and do not know the wonderful news of Jesus Christ.

The primary way by which we love the lost in Gods world is by telling them – those we know at work, friends, and family – the good news about Jesus.

We focus our best energy on speaking the truth in love. We try to warn people in a down-to-earth manner with no emotional or psychological manipulation.

As Christians we are passionate about the glory of God. God is glorified as we make disciples of Jesus Christ. We therefore, strive to make evangelism our utmost priority.

From time to time we run outreach events and courses that introduce Jesus Christ such as ‘Food for Thought’ or ‘Christianity Explored’.

As a denomination we have a strong oversees missions focus and as a local church we partner with various overseas mission and missionaries and hope one day to be a ‘sending church’ ourselves.