Young People
5-10 YEARS
Ideally we encourage families to worship together on a Sunday but recognise that this is not always possible and so run a children’s church for those between five and ten years of age on a Sunday AM. Here they learn about God and Jesus from the bible (usually following through one book of the Bible at a time) and related games, quizzes and craft activities. All children are welcome and we work hard to welcome new arrivals and settle them into their groups.
Ideally we encourage families to worship together on a Sunday but recognise that this is not always possible and so run a children’s church for those between five and ten years of age on a Sunday AM. Here they learn about God and Jesus from the bible (usually following through one book of the Bible at a time) and related games, quizzes and craft activities. All children are welcome and we work hard to welcome new arrivals and settle them into their groups.
A comfortable and warm cry room is provided for parents of infants.
A comfortable and warm cry room is provided for parents of infants.
We encourage all above this age to stay in the main service in order to cultivate a habit of growing from the preaching and teaching of Gods Word.
We also run various Friday programms and Holiday Clubs at varoius times.
Please contact us for details of our young peoples ministries.