What We Believe
2) We believe in God the Father, the cause, origin, and beginning of all things, visible and invisible, the provider of all my daily spiritual and physical needs.
3) We believe in Jesus Christ the Son of God, and in His death on the cross as an atoning sacrifice for us, His bodily resurrection from the grave and His ascension into heaven. We believe that there is no salvation for anyone apart from faith in Him.
4) We believe in the person and work of the Holy Spirit, the third member of the divine Trinity, in drawing people to Christ, enabling them to believe on him, and strengthening them to live godly lives.
5) We believe the Bible to be the inspired, inerrant and authoritative written Word of God.
6) We believe in the sinfulness of all men and women and their resulting inability to seek out or please God by their own efforts.
7) We believe the necessity for Christians to follow Jesus Christ in personal and often costly discipleship, through acts of love, obedience and trust.
8) We believe the church to be a fellowship of born again persons, committed to helping one another grow in their Christian lives and in the unified worship of God.
9) We believe in the privilege and power of prayer.
10) We believe the importance of Christians reaching into all the world to call people to faith in Christ and helping influence their world, both near and farther away, for good.
11) We believe in the return of Jesus Christ to judge all persons and to take those who had faith in Him to heaven to live with Him for all eternity.